Tapendra Pandey

How does a human go on to become who he is?


A Quick Guide to NEC License Exam Preparation For Computer Engineering Students

This post is dedicated to aiding computer engineering graduates in preparing for the NEC License Exam.

Every academic year, the Nepal Engineering Council (NEC) administers an examination that engineering students must successfully pass. This successful completion is a prerequisite for registration with the NEC and obtaining a license, granting official permission to practice engineering. It is planned to be conducted four times each year. Following is the recent annual timeline for exam as published by NEC.


The following method will help you to manage the preparation for NEC License Exam.

  1. Review the Syllabus
  2. Review What You’ve Learned
  3. Some Questions May Be Unexpected
  4. Use What You’ve Learned
  5. Gather More Information
  6. Practice with Past Questions
  7. Take Practice Tests
  8. Study Without Too Much Stress

Review the Syllabus

Look over the syllabus and make sure you understand the main ideas from each topic listed. You don’t need to know everything in depth.

Review What You’ve Learned

Think about the key things you’ve learned in your engineering classes over the past 4 years. Look back at your notes, textbooks, and other materials to refresh your memory.

Some Questions May Be Unexpected

There may be some unusual questions. Don’t worry too much about those. Just focus on answering the questions you know well.

Use What You’ve Learned

Rely on the engineering concepts, basic formulae, and problem solving methods you’ve learned. That knowledge will be very helpful for the exam.

Gather More Information

Try to learn more about the topics you feel less confident about. YouTube videos (like videos from gatesmasher), online websites(geeksforgeeks.org, javatpoint.com), and discussing with classmates can help.

Practice with Past Questions

Look at questions from previous years to understand the format and types of questions. This can be a helpful part of your preparation.

Take Practice Tests

Consider taking MCQ tests to make yourselves comfortable with the question types. You can get topic wise questions in different websites. (like sanfoundry.com, engineeringinterviewquestions.com )

Study Without Too Much Stress

Studying is important, but don’t worry excessively. Start preparing at least about a month before to balance studying and staying positive.

Very Short Questions = 60 * 1 marks each

Short Questions= 20*2 marks each

There is no negative marking in NEC License Exam. To pass the exam you need to get at least 50% of the total marks.




If you have additional resources, materials, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. Additionally, if you are interested in learning about my personal strategies and preparations, you can reach out to me.

More Details about exam can be found at NEC Official Website.

Details about preparing IOE B.E. entrance examination can be found here.

All BCT engineering notes can be found here.

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