Locus Scavenger Hunt 2020
LOCUS Scavenger Hunt 2020
The Locus Scavenger Hunt was a 3 day event organized by LOCUS 2020. This hunt game was organized for fun purpose during the ongoing exhibition where the participants get more chance to explore Pulchowk Campus. The participants were provided riddles pointing different places in and around Pulchowk Campus.
Picture representing the riddle pointing to Energy House
Solving one riddle led them to next place where they were provided with next riddle. The hunt continued till some more riddles. The only team to get through final riddle was declared winner of the day.
Interaction of participants and volunteers during hunt
More details is presented as below:
*First Day of LOCUS:
-1 game
-10 teams (10*4 participants)
-1 winning team selected for final
-Winning Team: (Team Bhyakurs From Pulchowk)
Niraj Adhikari
Nishchal Nath Sigdel
Kushal Sharma
Nishant Awasthi
-Game lasted for about half hour
*Second Day of LOCUS:
-1 game
-10 teams (10*4 participants)
– 2 winning teams selected for final
-Winning Teams:
Team Excavator From Pulchowk
Dipesh Banjade
Gaurav Khadka
Nelson Kandel
Chirag Lamsal
Team Aesthetic From Pulchowk
Sandesh Sitaula
Prakriti Timalsena
Dikshya Parajuli
Tribhuwan Bhatt
-Game lasted for an hour
Participants on the hunt
*Third Day of LOCUS:
-2 games :
- 5 teams (5*4 participants)
– 1 winner selected for final
-Winning Team:
Team Hunters From Pulchowk
Pravesh Gaire
Shrutee Dwa
Shrey Niraula
Stuti Kafle
-Game lasted for an hour
Clue representing Score Board of Cricket
- Final game
-4 Teams(4*4 participants)
-Winning Team:
Team Excavator From Pulchowk
Dipesh Banjade
Gaurav Khadka
Nelson Kandel
Chirag Lamsal
-Game lasted for an hour
Winning team
All the organizing team and volunteers made it possible to conduct the game in a vivacious way. Whole experience was fun and all the hardwork was worth considering.
Some organizers in a single frame